FloridaMan1845 NFT


Total Supply: 1845

Mint Price: 0.33 SOL

Mint Date: Feb 22nd 2022


Buy On Secondary


1845 Mints of Florida convicts to celebrate Florida’s acceptance year into the Union. Since then the heat in the Sunshine State has driven thousands of people mad, crazy and delusional. With public mugshots and arrest records the FloridaMan came to life.

Why stick a FloridaMan into your wallet?

This is the Winkler Brothers 1st and Original NFT project. Being a FloridaMan1845 NFT holder comes with its perks. For one, find Heiko or Alex (the devs and designers behind the real FloridaMan) at a bar, club, airport or restaurant and show proof of NFT ownership and they’ll buy you a beer.

But on a serious note… being a NFT holder gives you access to our future NFT, Fishing & Trading events. These NFT projects are driven by the community of holders and supported by the Winkler Brothers team of developers, creative designers, staff and influencers.

Once all FloridaMan1845 NFT’s are minted you will be able to buy or sell FloridaMan1845 NFTs on secondary markets from the current holders.

We will be doing everything in our power to spread the word about the FloridaMan creating a high and liquid floor price.

That means if you no longer want to benefit from the perks of holding a FloridaMan1845 NFT you can sell it. If you list your NFT around the floor price there's a good chance the cops will come, scoop it up and put that FloridaMan NFT in jail. (read more)

This protects the FloridaMan1845 NFT value.

If you don’t want to sell your NFT then keep holding onto it and enjoy the many perks planned for FloridaMan NFT HODLERS! #YEEHAW

MINT Challenge ✨

Some FloridaMan NFTs will be more rare than others.

Heiko personally wants the Florida man with the rainbow eyes, rainbow teeth on the whitehouse background.

Check his profile pic below

Therefore he put out a ~$1,000 (5 Sol) reward for the lucky human that mints it Heiko will buy it right away the moment it hits the secondary market.


Every now and then jails get too empty and the cops arrest poor Floridians! They do this by scooping up as many FloridaMan sitting on the floor price as their cars can carry. A portion of every SOL generated during the minting and commission from secondary market sales will be stored in our publicly displayed Jail Address (that's what allows the cops to scoop up floor Floridians). You can explore the Jail Address to see the growing cop fund and the captured FloridaMan.

Jail Address: 697f7QYaPw3pa3BEa95PJ4UGSaxeTkNFRTj1kxZov3C

DANGER ZONE: Once there's too many Floridians in jail there may be a break in the system! The Floridians will try and escape to randomly selected FloridaMan NFT holders wallets.


This is a public project and driven by input from the community. You can keep track of the current tasks of this NFT at our roadmap here: https://trello.com/b/JgtSjuDE/floridaman1845-nft-roadmap

Be part of our discord community to stay up to date with events, launches, dev projects and chat with the rest of the NFT holders. (discord link here)


Alex Winkler

Role: Developer
Raised: Florida

Heiko Winkler

Role: Designs
Raised: Florida


Role: Community
Raised: Michigan (but now lives in Florida!)